How ISO 20000-1 Can Help You Win Your Next Federal Contract

All of your customers want to make sure that they are getting a quality service. They don’t want a supplier somewhere down the line holding them up. They want insurance that the supply chain won’t break.

The government is no different. They are just another customer trying to get a good deal.

Okay. Not just another customer.

Winning federal contracts is not a slam dunk. They are a huge client who can provide you with a large, consistent workflow that can bring your organization value for years.

What would it mean for you if ISO 20000-1 can help you win your next federal contract?

  • Your business will be able to secure loans more easily
  • You can sell whenever you’re ready
  • Prestige will bring you more opportunities on the market

Looking to implement CMMI in your business?

Here’s how ISO 20000-1 can help you win your next federal contract.

You are online searching federal contracts. The Department of Commerce posted a Request for Proposals with an opportunity that would be perfect for your company. Here’s what gives you the confidence that you’re the best match:

1. Less Risk for the Customer: People are extremely risk-averse. Whenever you are buying a new product or working with a new organization, you are taking on a risk. You worry if you’ve made the right decision. ISO 20000-1 can help you win your next federal contract because they will see you as less of risk. You are meeting international standards for reliability and consistency.

2. Reduce the Cost of Doing Business: One way to avoid risk is to make sure you don’t invest too much in your decision. When you offer a lower cost to a customer, you allow them to shoulder less risk. ISO 20000-1 can help you win your next government contract by reducing the cost of doing business. The savings you get from a streamlined business process can be passed on to your customer.

3. Promise Security: We all want to keep our information private. Perhaps the government most of all. If you want to be in business with the government, they need to know that their information will remain private. Information security management is an important part of this standard. Putting ISO 20000-1 can help you win your next federal contract because your customer knows they’ll be safe with you.

What questions do you have and how can we help?

4. Guarantee Timelines: You are driving down a road that used to lead directly to your house but now you have to take a detour. Again. This road reconstruction problem was supposed to take 2 months but has stretched to 10 so far.

This is a situation we are all familiar with and frustrated by. Who has ever heard of a government project being completed on time and on budget?

When you implement ISO 20000-1, you’ll have a better idea of how long and how many resources a project actually takes. ISO 20000-1 can help you win your next federal contract by allowing you to show off a proven track record.

5. ISO 20000-1 Can be a Solicitation Mandate: Let’s get down to brass tax. Nearly all federal contracts require service providers to have a quality assurance system in place. If you are in information technology, that means you need to have ISO 20000-1. Without it, you cannot get your foot in the door. ISO 20000-1 is going to allow you to bid in the first place. Once you win that contract, you’ll be able to pass any inspections because of your adherence to the international standard.

Now you know how ISO 20000-1 can help you win your next federal contract. Ready to get started?