ISO Certification Helps You Keep Customers
More business means more money. And ISO certification wins business, and here’s how:
ISO certification wins more business by putting customers first. Your QMS (Quality Management System) lets potential clients know that their satisfaction is your number one priority. Being certified is like slapping a giant sticker on your company that says: Internationally recognized. Internationally approved.
Clients need some way to filter all the companies striving for their attention. They do this by looking for referrals and third-party certifications.
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ISO Certification Helps You Keep Customers
Keeping a customer is cheaper than winning a new one. Customer retention is the centerpiece of any successful company’s business plan. How do you keep them coming back for more?
ISO certification wins more business by keeping your customers happy. Implementing an ISO approved quality management system allows you to consistently provide high-quality products and services. Continual improvement keeps customers engaged with your business. Exceeding expectations makes them loyal and more likely to refer you to someone they know.
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ISO Accreditation Wins More Business by Opening Doors
ISO is a requirement for public contracts both nationally and worldwide. Want to work with the US Federal Government? You’ll probably need ISO. Do you want to win contracts in China or Japan? ISO accreditation will help.
ISO accreditation wins more business in the private sector, too. If you want to become part of a supply chain and a contractor upstream of you has ISO accreditation, you may need it, too.
Whatever line of work you’re in, ISO accreditation wins more business.