The Best Guide to ISO 20000-1 Implementation

We are not going to overwhelm you or bog you down with details. You are going to go from, “Where do I start?” to “Let’s get started” by the end of this guide to ISO 20000-1 implementation.

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Steps to Make ISO 20000-1 Implementation Easier

  • Get Management on Board: ISO 20000-1 Implementation is possible with limited management support, but difficult. As a quality professional, you need to get executives to buy-in to the idea of a system change. Check out our article here to get a clearer picture.
  • Establish the Project: You don’t need to do this but you want to. ISO 20000-1 Implementation becomes easier when you go start with your project management glasses on. Get a clear vision of the people and resources that you need to reach your goal. This is a great time to create a budget for the project.
  • Perform Gap Analysis: This is another optional step that will save you time and money later on. You already have some kind of information technology management system (ITSM) in place. Measure yours against the global standard to make ISO 20000-1 implementation smoother.

What questions do you have and how can we help?

Steps You Need to Take for ISO 20000-1 Implementation

  1. Define Scope, Management Intentions, and Responsibilities: Create an SMS policy and SMS plan. This means figuring out the resources needed to run your service management system. Ask yourself: What are the purposes, principles, and basic rules of your management systems?
  2. Implement Support Procedures: Support procedures are processes that don’t always affect your day-to-day but are the backbone of an organization. Documents and record controls, internal audits, and communication procedures all need to be recorded during this step.
  3. Generate Process/Function Documents: If you followed our suggestions for making ISO 20000-1 Implementation easier, this is where you’ll reap the benefits. This is when you make clear where each process your organization performs, starts, and ends. What are the inputs? What are the outputs?
  4. Implement Process/Functions: Take those steps you just documented for each process and put them into action. Review the steps together with all relevant team members.
  5. Perform Training Program: Remember that one of the primary goals of your new ITSM is to make your company more flexible and agile. To accomplish that, everyone needs to be on the same page and speak the same lingo. Make sure everyone knows what they’re responsible for.
  6. Operate Your Service Management System: Put your SMS plan and policies into place. See how everything is moving. Monitor, measure, and record the results.
  7. Create Continual Service Improvement Concept: Another key goal of ISO 20000-1 Implementation is to create a culture of continual improvement. Remember the continual improvement model: Do. Check. Act.

After you’ve created the concept, implement your continual service improvement concept.

  1. Conduct an Internal Audit: How far have you come? Try to get an objective third-party in to assess your ISO 20000-1 Implementation. This can be someone within the organization or a consultant.
  2. Management Review: This is the last step for your internal ISO 20000-1 Implementation. Management needs to be in the loop. Present the results of your audit and record the minutes of your meeting.


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Audits for ISO 20000-1 Implementation

Almost finished! Your organization has done its part for ISO 20000-1 Implementation. Remember to thank and congratulate everyone for their effort.

You are now ready for stage 1 and stage 2 certification audits. The first audit will be a documentation review for ISO 20000-1 Implementation. You and your team can use this information to take corrective actions.

You’ll then have your main audit. If everyone is done their part, you’ll be certified.