ISO 9001 for Service Industry

I read an article on ISO 9001 how the mortgage mess is shaping up with now more clerical error are being blamed for hundreds of foreclosures. It goes on to mention how with advent of technology getting information is easy but getting facts is challenging. It would seem that we know so much now but do we exactly know the truth and really where our efforts, houses, savings, and retirement nests resting are. It’s the maze in ISO 9001 which we probably cannot figure and the reason is simple. It started with best of the effort for everyone but all the way nobody knows who dropped the ball. The lenders, bankers, or the process is convoluted.

We talk about processes and how they are interlinked and ask for more transparency and we sure cannot get the mortgage industry ISO 9001 certified with a wand but aren’t we looking for same quality which we desire in products and services all around us. Services are a big part of our lives and a little tricky to measure since they are not tangible. But if that is your product won’t you be that concerned to make sure that its performance is quantifiable some way so that your customer gets the best service and remains loyal to you.

It used to be hard to comprehend the part of service as a product. But now the consumer is aware and more advised and quality no longer is an adjective, it is one of the traits desired in service. Organizations like AICPA, satellite servicing, IT consulting, Health care are ISO 9001 certified and being more profitable and enjoying unprecedented growth. It’s a commitment which states that you value your customers and want to give service with highest quality to them. Seems like a win-win for all.

How all the clauses are translated and inferred in relation to the service is a major factor after ISO 9001. A good consultant, knowledgeable and understanding registrar and desire for certification is all it requires. With a good team in place and processes to explain what and how service is delivered ISO is more tangible for any industry.

References: Some important links


  • Car Hire Alicante Airport

    November 4, 2010 at 1:28 pm

    last week our class held a similar talk on this subject and you show something we have not covered yet, thanks.

    – Lora

    • Sync Resource

      December 9, 2010 at 1:08 pm

      Dear Car Hire Alicante Airport,

      Thank you for visiting our blog. We are glad that you found the information useful. We cover a wide array of topics for ISO 9001 & Six Sigma and publish on our blog every week. You may consider signing up for our blog feeds to get latest updates. Please feel free to provide your inputs on any other relevant topics to your industry and if there is something we haven’t covered yet, we shall publish it in our subsequent posts.

      Thank you,
      Sync Resource

  • Cayle

    February 15, 2012 at 5:22 pm

    Right on-this helped me sort things right out.

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